Happy 2012! Long Time Over Due Updating ..............

Hello to all our family and friends. I hope everyone enjoyed the holidays and is having a great start to 2012. So sorry it has been over a year since I have updated the kids website. I tend to post pictures on Facebook and forget that many of you are not on there so you have been missing out on seeing the kids grow up way too fast.

2011 was a crazy year for the Saik family. For those of you who don’t know, we moved back to Raleigh, NC in April of 2011 and I took my old job back that I had when pregnant with the kids. We finally sold our house, or gave it away, so that is a huge relief. The kids are at Grace Christian in the town where I work and they are loving it getting smarter by the day. Spence gets on “red” quite a bit at school, but he is a Spence after all. Sam has yet to be on anything but “green”. I am no fool though, I am sure I will get all her fun when she a teenager if she is anything like me. David is now working out of the Charlotte office and traveling all over the country weekly. I tore my ACL playing tennis and had surgery July 2011 and just recently got cleared to play again. Spence got his pointer finger slammed in a door at my work in December and had to get stitches. I have to say it was the most traumatic thing I have gone through as a mother up to this point. His nail bed has not grown back and the doctors aren’t sure it will but Spence thinks it’s pretty cool.

Spence is playing basketball/soccer/tennis and Sam is taking ballet and wants to be a cheerleader. I keep acting like I don’t hear what she says J They have very different personalities and are best friends, most of the time that is. Spence never stops talking, question after question, and will certainly be an engineer of some sort. Into taking everything apart, playing with trains, cars, etc. and is amazing on the computer. He never sits still and hasn't found a sport he does not like. Sam is into fashion, putting on concerts, taking care of her babies, cooking and decorating and will probably be the next Giada.

Love to you all and hope to hear from you soon!


Happy Valentine's Day to all!

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